Finish up and start use in 5 minutes.

Please follow below instructions on your iPhone. iCloud
  1. Register an account at the registration page.
  2. Go to user page and copy your secret key and keep it the clipboard.
  3. Download the iPhone Shortcuts app from Chinese (中文) download page , or English (英文) download page.
  4. Trigger SiriChat by saying "Hey Siri, 小助手" for Chinese, or "Hey Siri, Assistant" for English.
  5. When being asked, try one of below questions. (Please grant accesses)
    • 请帮我比较详细的介绍一遍面包制作流程。
    • Please explain how to bake bread in details.

If the free plan is not enough for you to use, try buy some extra here.

Please enjoy.